Shear Panic: Seeking Stress Relief
Stress can be puzzling for engineers; FEA modeling can provide guidance.
/article/shear-panic-seeking-stress-reliefSpeeding with Caution
Relating the speed sketching process to simulation and analysis.
/article/speeding-with-cautionParaMatters CogniCAD Walkthrough
Setting up topology optimization problems is clear-cut in CogniCAD.
/article/paramatters-cognicad-walkthroughAltair SIMSOLID Walkthrough
For this overview, Tony Abbey says he was was able to explore design configurations very rapidly—and this prompted further exploration into alternative configurations such as an integral fitting.
/article/altair-simsolid-walkthroughGet Cracking with ANSYS Workbench 19.2
Walk through a fracture analysis using ANSYS Separating Morphing Adaptive Remeshing Technology.
/article/get-cracking-with-ansys-workbench-19.2Parametric Design Optimization with CORTIME
Walk through a linear buckling optimization using CORTIME.
/article/parametric-design-optimization-with-cortimeANSYS Workbench 19.2
Take a hands-on look at how the ANSYS Workbench environment is used to explore the physics of a benchmark model.
/article/ansys-workbench-19.2Meshless FEA Opportunities
Is there a future for meshless methods in mainstream analysis?
/article/meshless-fea-opportunitiesDemocratization in FEA
Most of the discussion on FEA democratization tends to focus on CAD-embedded FEA. The downside of making FEA software accessible by all is often stated as there may not be adequate understanding of the underlying principles of FEA.
/article/democratization-in-feaAutodesk Nastran In-CAD
Walk through the setup and analysis of a simple bracket to get an overview of Autodesk Nastran, a CAD-embedded finite element analysis software.
/article/autodesk-nastran-in-cadCOMSOL Multiphysics Overview
Get a look at the latest capabilities and functionalities.
/article/comsol-multiphysics-overviewSOLIDWORKS Simulation Overview, Part 2
Walk through a static analysis study of an aircraft keel section in SOLIDWORKS.
/article/solidworks-simulation-overview-part-2SOLIDWORKS Simulation Overview, Part 1
Walk through a static analysis study of an aircraft keel section in SOLIDWORKS.
/article/solidworks-simulation-overviewAn ESRD CAE Handbook Look
DE looks into the ESRD CAE Handbook – a collection of pre-built FEA models to check strength, stiffness and other characteristics of typical fittings and components found in aerospace and other industries.
/article/esrd-cae-handbook-lookOptimization Overview: solidThinking Inspire
solidThinking Inspire 2018 is a structural optimization program designed to provide a complete workflow from geometry creation and or manipulation, through FE analysis to topology optimization and geometry shape fitting of the resultant configuration.