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Tech Soft 3D Hosts Developer Day

Developers in industrial markets will experience a full day of demos, product trainings and discussions about HOOPS SDKs.

Developers in industrial markets will experience a full day of demos, product trainings and discussions about HOOPS SDKs.


Tech Soft 3D is hosting an upcoming HOOPS Developer Day, a HOOPS Getting Started series of classes, and online guides and tutorials.  

HOOPS Developer Day

Developers in industrial markets from manufacturing to building/construction to mining and shipbuilding, will experience a full day of demos, product trainings and discussions about HOOPS SDKs. 

HOOPS product managers and technical staff will guide attendees through the HOOPS product portfolio discussing what's new for 2022, what is planned for the future and explore how these developments are impacting applications in various industries such as AR/VR, additive manufacturing, digital factory, CAE, CAM, EDA, mining.

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HOOPS Getting Started Series

Through a series of interactive multiweek classes including open office hours for your questions, these courses reveal the fundamentals you'll need to get started building your application and offer opportunities to discuss advanced functionality. 

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HOOPS Forum and Resources

Developers can chat with other developers in our HOOPS Forum where there are discussions about Material tool class, Drawing manipulator class, and Importing and creating FEA meshes.

In addition, all HOOPS Toolkits are available for free evaluations, and Tech Soft 3D provides an immense amount of developer support through a “Getting Started Guide,” a “Programming Guide,” and developer tutorials for each SDK. 

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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