SME Launches 2024 Digital Manufacturing Challenge

High school and undergraduate students are highly encouraged to prepare a submission.

High school and undergraduate students are highly encouraged to prepare a submission.

Student designers and engineers are challenged to go beyond the classroom or laboratory and showcase technical and commercial talents. Image courtesy of SME.

The 2024 Digital Manufacturing Challenge is a call for action to inspire the next generation of engineers to think about how to deploy engineering design and manufacturing solutions to strengthen the response, mitigation and/or prevention of disruptive events and envision an optimistic view of sustainable, smart and even agile communities.

Student designers and engineers are challenged to go beyond the classroom or laboratory and showcase technical and commercial talents by demonstrating new and creative ways digital manufacturing can add value. Get the full competition details here. The deadline to submit the proposal is February 10, 2024 at 11:59 p.m.


  • Complimentary conference pass to RAPID + TCT 
  • A stipend of $1,000 to use for travel and lodging to the conference
  • A certificate of achievement
  • A complimentary 1-year SME student membership
  • A recognition letter sent to the winner with a copy sent to the university advisor/educator
  • A recognition letter sent to a student newspaper/technical publication designated by the winner

New this year: High school and undergraduate students are highly encouraged to prepare a submission. Tiers have been added to separate high school, undergraduate and graduate student submissions and a winner from each tier will be identified.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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