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RAPID + TCT to Return to West Coast in 2024

AM industry reportedly growing at a rate of 21% through 2027, according to SME.

AM industry reportedly growing at a rate of 21% through 2027, according to SME.

RAPID + TCT, will return to the West Coast in 2024, as part of SME’s commitment to bring additive manufacturing solutions to key strategic markets in the United States, SME reports. Focused on innovation and fostering commerce, RAPID + TCT serves as a platform where the entire AM community comes together to learn, network and become immersed in the latest in AM technology, according to SME. SME and The TCT Group produce the annual event.

The forthcoming event will gather industrial 3D printing manufacturers, as well as companies representing every area of the AM ecosystem including those in 3D scanning, quality, software/design, postprocessing and materials. The event provides a platform for showcasing the latest innovations and technological advancements, as well as highlighting AM in manufacturing.

“RAPID + TCT has consistently been the nexus of innovation for the AM industry,” says Robert “Bob” Willig, executive director and CEO of SME. “Southern California is a tremendous hub for manufacturing, especially for some of its most cutting-edge sectors like aerospace and defense. Bringing this premier event back to California allows us to accelerate the awareness of the greatest advances in this technology.”

New this year, RAPID + TCT features a Hollywood Showcase. This blend of technology and creativity may help foster new opportunities for collaboration, according to SME.

Attendees can anticipate a sizable lineup of events, including the AM Community Awards and the return of the Pitch Fest where cutting-edge ideas take center stage, according to SME.

The RAPID + TCT 2024 Conference will continue to serve as a knowledge hub. Past speakers have delivered insights that have shaped the industry, and this year they will be organized into eight tracks: Automotive, Aerospace, Healthcare, Defense, Wider industry, Ecosystem, Materials Development and Process Development.

Rooted in collaboration, the event will prominently feature presentations developed by its Industry Partners: 3MF Consortium, Additive Manufacturing Green Trade Association, Additive Manufacturing Users Group, Advanced Regenerative Manufacturing Institute, America Makes, ASTM International: Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence, Radiological Society of North America, Fullsight and Women in 3D Printing. These presentations are discussions and exchanges of ideas that drive sustainability and growth in the AM sector, according to SME.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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