Altair Releases PBS Works 2018, Enhancing Cloud HPC Experience

The 2018 release introduces PBS Access, an intuitive portal environment for HPC users and PBS Control.

Altair has released PBS Works 2018. Built around PBS Professional, its core high-performance computing (HPC) workload manager and scheduler, the new PBS Works user environment streamlines enterprise access and management of on-premise and cloud HPC resources. The 2018 release introduces PBS Access, an intuitive portal environment for HPC users and PBS Control, a solution for administrators to manage and optimize HPC infrastructures with cloud-bursting capabilities.

“PBS Works has become a key technology to increase productivity and reduce expenses for organizations around the world and across verticals,” says Bill Nitzberg, chief technical officer for PBS Works.

Image courtesy of Altair.

Image courtesy of Altair.

PBS Works 2018 suite includes:

  • performance, scalability and security advancements advancements to PBS Professional, Altair’s workload manager and job scheduler;
  • PBS Access, a new user portal environment providing intuitive access to HPC resources across the enterprise to run and manage HPC jobs, and remotely visualize results; and
  • PBS Control, a new HPC infrastructure management solution for administrators providing a single-pane view environment to configure, deploy, monitor and troubleshoot on-premises and cloud HPC infrastructures.

“A big part of this release is the ability for PBS Works users to accommodate their most challenging workload requirements by using PBS Control to deploy very seamlessly HPC infrastructures on the cloud,” says Sam Mahalingam, chief technical officer for Enterprise Solutions at Altair. “As our customers make the transition to the cloud, these solutions will allow them to manage internal compute infrastructure and easily move workloads to and between different cloud providers to manage costs and throughput.”

For more info, visit Altair.

Sources: Press materials received from the company.

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