Web Simulation Tool Capable of Systematic Verification of Power Devices and ICs

Tool enables easy verification of solution circuits under the SystemVision portfolio cloud environment from Mentor, a Siemens business.

Tool enables easy verification of solution circuits under the SystemVision portfolio cloud environment from Mentor, a Siemens business.

ROHM announces a web simulation tool, “ROHM Solution Simulator,” that allows designers of electronic circuits and systems in the automotive and industrial markets to simultaneously verify power devices and ICs on 44 different solution circuits.

Simulations are typically conducted before the prototype stageto reduce development load not only in the automotive and industrial equipment markets, but everywhere application development is performed. And even when designing electronic circuit boards, simulations are used to minimize the time and effort required for component selection as well as identify problems before actual equipment validation in order to significantly decrease man-hours related to board prototyping and evaluation.

Until now, ROHM has provided a range of solutions that contribute to solving issues for a variety of user development flows, such as SPICE models that reproduce the electrical characteristics of products through simulation along with thermal design support for validating both heat generation phenomena and dissipation results using fluid analysis.

This time, in addition to focusing on developing and supporting application circuits that maximize the characteristics of driver ICs and power devices designed to supply high power in the automotive and industrial equipment markets, ROHM offers a simulator, ROHM Solution Simulator, that allows users to perform systematic verification of power devices and ICs.

ROHM Solution Simulator is a new web-based electronic circuit simulation tool that can carry out various simulations, from initial development that involves component selection and individual device verification to the system-level verification stage. This makes it possible to quickly and easily implement systematic verification of ROHM power devices (i.e., SiC) and ICs (e.g., driver and power supply ICs), in simulation circuits under close to actual conditions, reducing application development load.

The simulator was developed to work with the SystemVision Cloud simulation platform from Mentor, a Siemens business focused on electronic design automation software with an extensive track record in the automotive industry. As a result, users with an SVC account can also perform verification in a more realistic environment by incorporating simulation data executed by the ROHM Solution Simulator into their own SVC workspace.

”ROHM is committed to reducing customer development time and costs by providing a comprehensive online solution built using SystemVision, a multi-domain cloud-based platform,” says Darrell Teegarden, product manager for SystemVision Cloud at Mentor, a Siemens business. “By focusing on maintaining and enhancing device models and reference circuits that operate in the SystemVision Cloud environment, ROHM can further contribute to solving customer issues.”

ROHM Solution Simulator can be used free of charge by simply registering on ROHM’s official website.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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