Latest Features in Simcenter Testlab 2406

This newest software update supports manufacturers in creating a full-scale prototype late in the development cycle, Siemens says.

A major goal of Simcenter Testlab 2406 is for test engineers to fuse physical testing with simulation.

Signature testing tools enable ability to analyze noise, vibration and harsh performance. Image courtesy of Siemens.

Simcenter Testlab 2406, the newest iteration of this software from Siemens Digital Industries Software, supports manufacturers in creating a full-scale prototype late in the development cycle while making sure that the first physical version meets all performance standards.

With Simcenter Testlab 2406 test engineers can fuse physical testing with simulation. This enables early assessment of virtual prototypes, reducing the need for multiple physical prototypes. This update brings enhancements in efficiency, testing capabilities, and data management.

Multi-hammer Impact Testing

Simcenter Testlab 2406 enables engineers to utilize existing CAD models to define instrumentation and virtual points. Multiple hammers can be used simultaneously. Real-time data merging during tests also ensures results right away.

Updated Signature Testing Workflow

Signature testing is simplified in Simcenter Testlab 2406 for engineers of all experience levels. Simcenter Testlab Neo fully supports the signature testing process from instrumentation to reporting. Real-time monitoring and automatic report generation simplify the process.

Time-Domain Loads and Auralization 

The latest release supports time-domain loads. Combining this with the new Simcenter Testlab NVH Simulator, enables teams to aurally experience and analyze the sound of virtual prototypes. 

Streamline Durability Testing

Mission Synthesis in Simcenter Testlab Neo enables users to create realistic test profiles based on real-world data. Engineers can now accelerate their durability testing while keeping accurate load conditions. 

For much more product detail, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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