Call for Abstracts for Engineering Simulation in Electronics Event

From circuit-level to full 3D simulations, the event will touch on the spectrum of electronic simulation technologies.

From circuit-level to full 3D simulations, the event will touch on the spectrum of electronic simulation technologies.

The conference focuses on the role of simulation in electronic design, development, and innovation. Image courtesy of NAFEMS.

NAFEMS has issued a call for abstracts for its engineering simulation in electronics online conference. Abstract submission deadline is September 10, 2024. Presenters, whose abstracts will be accepted, will attend free of charge.

The conference focuses on the role of simulation in electronic design, development, and innovation. From circuit-level to full 3D simulations, the event will touch on the spectrum of electronic simulation technologies.

Electronic Simulations

At the event, expect to explore the challenges and breakthroughs of simulating high-frequency electronic systems. NAFEMS is seeking presenters to share their latest techniques in modeling and analyzing designs. Share experiences and discoveries in optimizing performance in high-frequency electronics.

EMC Simulations

Present insights on integrating circuit-level simulations to full 2D/3D simulations with a focus on electromagnetic compatibility. Share how this approach accelerates design processes and ensures integration by addressing electromagnetic interferences.

Power Integrity Simulations

NAFEMS is calling for experts in power integrity simulations to share knowledge on ensuring electronic designs meet power delivery requirements. Showcase contributions to enhancing efficiency and reliability of power distribution networks and guide users through the optimization of power delivery for modern electronic systems.

Signal Integrity Simulations

NAFEMS is on the lookout for presenters to share their expertise in analyzing and optimizing signal transmission within complex circuits. Showcase advanced simulation techniques, ensuring signal quality and elevating overall system reliability.

Submit your abstract today. The organization would like to invite members and non-members of NAFEMS to present their work and visions. Submit your abstract online before September 10, 2024.

There is no requirement for a complete paper; however, presenters are asked to submit an extended abstract, providing some additional pictures and diagrams to illustrate the presentation prior to the event.

F​or any questions, contact

Click here for more event details.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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