Zuken USA Unveils Model-Based Wire Harness Design Process

E3.GENESYS Connector bridges product model and detailed design.

E3.GENESYS Connector bridges product model and detailed design.

E3.GENESYS Connector in E3.series. Image courtesy of Zuken.

Zuken USA, Inc., and Vitech, a Zuken Company, announce a model-based wire harness design process as part of its digital engineering initiative. The new process fills the design gap that previously required the manual translation of the product model into schematics and spreadsheets to begin implementation.

Zuken’s new E3.GENESYS Connector directly connects the product model to the wire harness design process.

Accelerating Digital Engineering Adoption

“An essential part of the digital transformation is the adoption of digital engineering methodologies to improve product development. With this new product, Zuken has successfully filled the design gap for model-based wire harness design,” says Kent McLeroth, president of Zuken USA. “Zuken’s process innovation will accelerate the adoption of digital engineering beyond the mil/aero segment and into the broader market. We will continue to invest and be a leader in the digital engineering space.”

E3.GENESYS Connector eliminates the need to translate the model into design documents by directly connecting the model to E3.series for wire harness design. The wire harness design team using E3.GENESYS Connector transfers the specific subsystem or component of interest and exposes the requirements, diagrams, and constraints directly within the E3.series design environment. The product model becomes connected to detailed design making it possible for companies to maximize the benefits of digital engineering.

“Zuken’s recent acquisition of Vitech enabled this level of innovation and collaboration,” says David Long, president of Vitech, a Zuken Company. “Combining our systems engineering and MBSE knowledge with Zuken’s electrical and electronic design expertise has made this first-to-market solution possible.”

Replacing Manual Translation

Vitech’s GENESYS is an MBSE solution providing robust product model development capability. The product model comes with electrical and electronic schema extensions for creating the implementation design envelopes for subsystems and components. The design envelope provides the parameters, structure and requirements needed to guide the implementation teams. E3.GENESYS Connector transfers and exposes the design envelope from GENESYS to E3.series, eliminating manual design translation. 

Maintaining Model and Product Consistency

A product model disconnected from the product lifecycle raises the risk of divergence between the model and the implementation. The result is a product that may not perform as initially defined. Once the model is in development, it must remain relevant and active throughout the product lifecycle. E3.GENESYS Connector preserves that connection.

E3.GENESYS Connector is available now in North America. To learn more, visit Digital Engineering for Product Development.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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