What’s New in Simpleware Software V-2024.06

Accelerate, streamline and scale the 3D image processing workflow with update.

Accelerate, streamline and scale the 3D image processing workflow with update.

There is now fully automated AI segmentation of any part of the Spine from CT scans. Image courtesy of Synopsys.

Simpleware Release V-2024.06 from Synopsys enables ability to accelerate, streamline and scale the 3D image processing workflow with enhanced artificial intelligence (AI) segmentation capabilities and new image-based guide design tools.

Various New Features

New Spine CT Auto Segmentation

There is now fully automated AI segmentation of any part of the Spine from CT scans; also, individual vertebra are separated.

New Hip Revision CT Auto Segmentation

There is now fully automatic AI segmentation of hip CT scans; and deals with images with severe metal artifacts.

New AI-Enabled Bone Filling Filter

It is a single-click operation. Users can intelligently solidify a bone mask created from threshold/split operation.

New Cutting Guides Design Tool

There is a streamlined tool to design bone cutting guides. There are cutting tracks, pin/drill holes and a base.

Additional Product Updates

Knee CT Auto Segmentation is updated to increase accuracy and handle more cases. Measurements feature a mask similarity calculator (Calculate Dice-Sørensen coefficient). With Scripting there are more functions added to enable further automation. Also, Synopsys introduces the Simpleware University Bundle for academic research. 

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