Three Companies Jointly Establish a Simulation Analysis Center

The premises of the Center can accommodate 30 students in fully equipped workstations and give to the students to expand their knowledge in Engineering Simulation.

The premises of the Center can accommodate 30 students in fully equipped workstations and give to the students to expand their knowledge in Engineering Simulation.

The three organizations have jointly put together the CIT Simulation Analysis Center of the School of Automotive Engineering. Image courtesy of BETA CAE Systems.

BETA CAE Systems, Delft Software Technology and the School of Automotive Engineering of the Changshu Institute of Technology (CIT) joined their forces and established the “CIT Simulation Analysis Center of the School of Automotive Engineering”, which was formally inaugurated on February 13, 2023.

The Center, hosted in the premises of CIT, was funded, and supported by Delft Software Technology (Suzhou) Co., Ltd., while BETA CAE Systems China Ltd. contributed to the Center its software portfolio and technical support. The premises of the Center can accommodate 30 students in fully equipped workstations and give to the students to expand their knowledge in Engineering Simulation and have a hands-on experience in the most advanced software in the field.

For this purpose, BETA and the School jointly established in the Center the “ANSA Practice Research Center of Changshu Institute of Technology,” for the proliferation of the knowledge in engineering simulation and the expertise in the use of the software suite of BETA CAE Systems.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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