Spatial Now Offers HOOPS Communicator

New product offering enhanced by web visualization for 3D application.

New product offering enhanced by web visualization for 3D application.

With the addition of HOOPS Communicator to Spatial’s 3D components portfolio, Spatial now enables web-based visualization. Image courtesy of Spatial Corp.

Spatial Corp, a software development toolkit provider for design, manufacturing and engineering solutions and a subsidiary of Dassault Systèmes, reports that it has added HOOPS Communicator, developed by Tech Soft 3D, to complement and extend its portfolio of component technologies. With the addition of HOOPS Communicator to Spatial’s 3D components portfolio, Spatial now enables web-based visualization of and interaction with 3D data for a range of design, engineering and manufacturing workflows.

“We are excited to enhance our portfolio by adding HOOPS Communicator. This addition enables Spatial customers to seamlessly implement powerful web applications for various engineering workflows, building on robust 3D modeling kernel and 3D InterOp components for data conversion, preparation and reuse,” says Jean-Marc Guillard, CEO, Spatial Corp.

Examples of web-based workflows enabled by HOOPS Communicator used in conjunction with Spatial’s 3D modelers CGM and ACIS and 3D InterOp include:

  • Virtual twin applications for numerous manufacturing processes such as sheet metal fabrication, 3D printing and multi-axis milling, as well as a wide range of robotic systems
  • Collaborative inspection applications for parts and assemblies with both geometry and product manufacturing information (PMI)
  • On-demand catalogs for 3D parts and assemblies for diverse kinds of industrial applications

Like HOOPS Visualize for developing native applications, which Spatial has integrated with its SDKs and resold since 2012, HOOPS Communicator provides comprehensive out-of-the-box API functionality for a variety of engineering workflows on the web. Such functionality avoids having to recreate the same functionality in WebGL or with open-source frameworks. Furthermore, unlike OEM solutions, HOOPS Communicator allows custom interaction with 3D data.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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