SimScale Plans Premiere Sustainability Analysis Event

Cloud-hosted simulation software maker launches a live event on climate change and simulation

Cloud-hosted simulation software maker SimScale launches a live event on climate change and simulation

SimScale launches a live event called Simulate & Adapt Cities for Climate Resilience: A World Cities Day. Image courtesy of SimScale.

Cloud-hosted simulation software maker SimScale is gearing up for a premiere live event, called Simulate & Adapt Cities for Climate Resilience: A World Cities Day Event.

The three-hour event focuses on the use of simulation—specifically CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamic) and heat transfer—to analyze buildings.

Moderated by SimScale's Product Marketing Manager and AEC expert Dr. Naghman Khan, the event includes a keynote session, followed by more talks, culminating in a live panel Q&A session. Speakers include; Xavier De Kestelier, Principal and Head of Design at Hassell Studio; and Professor Maria Kolokotroni, Associate Dean at Brunel University London, UK.

SimScale has powerful simulation solutions to tackle the build environment's sustainability, thermal impact, and energy efficiency, said Lethbridge. He also pointed out that data centers—the backbone of cloud computing—could consume tremendous energy. “But we are running our cloud on cleaner, greener instances,” he added.

Xavier will share “strategies for designing in extreme environments, from refugee camps to cities under extreme climate risk, and even a new space architecture for buildings on the moon,” according to the preliminary agenda. Kolokotroni will discuss the impacts of “climate change on buildings and cities, including adaptation strategies that architects and engineers can use to design better cities.”

In February 2014, the UN passed resolution 68/239 to designate October 31 as World Cities Day. The resolution urges member states and participating institutions “to formulate and implement sustainable urban development policies that promote just, resilient and inclusive cities.” SimScale said its own event is its efforts to fulfil the UN initiative's objective.

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Kenneth Wong

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