Simplify Modeling With Optimization Modelling Suite

New features make mathematical optimization models easier to define, company notes.

New features make mathematical optimization models easier to define, company notes.

New features allow for easier switching between NAG solvers. Image courtesy of NAG.

The NAG Library Mark 27.1 from NAG brings user improvements to the Optimization Modelling Suite. New features make mathematical optimization models easier to define, support editing of the model formulation, and allow for easier switching between NAG solvers.

The Optimization Modelling Suite—included in the NAG Library—was developed to give users a uniform approach when defining and solving optimization problems. The routines in the Suite give users a quick and easy way to set up, modify and solve various optimization problems, including linear, quadratic, nonlinear (both convex and non-convex) and data fitting, the company notes.

Optimization Modelling Suite users will benefit from the fact that the model formulation follows its natural representation from its basic components. For example, a QP problem is composed of a set of variables, a quadratic objective, simple bounds and linear constraints, and the model is formulated the same way by calling individual routines building the components in turn. The same approach is used for all types of models and compatible solvers, which makes switching between them and testing different settings simpler, according to the company.

It is common, according to NAG, that the optimization model that needs to be solved evolves over time. After an initial solution is discovered, further modifications of the formulation are performed to better express the real-world problem into a mathematical model and enhance the understanding of the inner working of the model. To assist users facing this challenge the suite offers ways of extending or modifying the defined formulation:

  • introduce additional variables 
  • see the effect of a particular constraint, variable or least squares residuals by disabling (temporarily removing) them and re-enabling them (bringing them back) 
  • redefine any existing component, such as, redefine nonlinear objective function or change the objective function type altogether 
  • add multiple blocks of linear constraints to remove the need to formulate one big matrix with all linear constraints at once 
  • modify individual coefficients of the linear objective or the linear constraints 
  • change bounds of any variable or constraints 
  • fix a variable to a given constant which results in the elimination of the variable across the formulation and decreasing the problem dimension 
  • edit second-order cones and allow even overlapping cones (two or more cones sharing the same variable) 
  • formulate quadratic constraints or objective function either in assembled or factorized form.

For a trial, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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