November 11, 2015
NUMECA has released its complete suite of CFD (computational fluid dynamics software) on UberCloud application software containers. This makes the technology available on the cloud.
Within the container is NUMECA’s Flow Integrated Environment FINE, which services applications such as marine, turbomachinery, acoustics, 3D design and automeshing. Being able to access the FINE suite through a container can drastically cut down on loading and access time, the company states.
“Until recently it was my firm belief that cloud computing for engineering applications is one of the next big challenges we have to solve,” said Professor Charles Hirsch, President and founder of NUMECA International. “But when we came across UberCloud’s new application container technology and containerized all our CFD software packages we were surprised about the ease of use and access to any computing system on demand.”
For more information, visit UberCloud and NUMECA.
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.