InfinitForm Emerges from the Shadows to Showcase Generative Design

New startup launches generative design targeting all manufacturing methods

New startup launches generative design targeting all manufacturing methods

Startup InfinitForm launches generative design software for AM and CNC. Image courtesy of InfinitForm.

In May, the startup InfinitForm came out of the shadows to showcase its generative design (GD) software. According to the press release on the company's launch, “This software enables mechanical engineers to establish new standards for speed, efficiency, and performance through extensive GPU-accelerated design simulation and optimization tools, improved collaboration features, and an intuitive user interface.”

Dr. Michael Bogomolny, Founder and CEO of InfinitForm, pointed out there's a growing number of Design for AM (DfAM) software but GD for CNC is an exception. He hopes InfinitForm could pave the way with its inclusive approach. The software allows users to generate designs for both 3D printing and traditional machining, like CNC machining, die casting and injection molding. To disginguish it from DfAM, he prefers to describe InfinitForm as “Design-to-Manufacturing software.”

What sets InfinitForm apart from others is that “it generates parametric CAD models for CNC parts and NURBS models for AM,” said Bogomolny. “Infinitform is the first software platform which incorporates manufacturing and performance requirements in an early ideation stage, producing the most cost effective designs within minutes”.

InfinitForm software considers axle directions, tool size, weight reduction target, load, material properties, and cost as inputs in generating designs. Cost is estimated based on the anticipated machine time to produce the part, explained Bogomolny. “So the software can even make suggestions on how to reduce cost, by finding machining strategies that reduce time,” he said.

InfinitForm plans to release both an installable version and cloud-hosted version of its software. The company has not released any pricing info. 

Bogomolny previously cofounded the GD software startup ParaMatters, later acquired by Carbon

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Kenneth Wong

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