Gustave Roussy Cancer Center Speeds up Treatments
Gustave Roussy is one of nine partner organizations within Dell EMC’s Children’s Cancer Care program.
The Genomic Data Analysis platform — the Dell EMC HPC System for Life Sciences — emerged as the solution best suited to Gustave Roussy’s high performance compute needs. Image courtesy of: gettyimages/Pogonici.
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November 9, 2018
Gustave Roussy center for cancer treatment, Villejuif, France, wanted to increase the bioinformatics processing to support more genome analyses while enhancing research.
The center is a pioneer in the development of an innovative treatment for children with cancer. As part of the treatment, the center analyzes the genomic alterations of tumors to better adjust relapse therapies. The work of Gustave Roussy forms part of a European-wide program for cancer treatment, with other participants being the Institut Curie in France and the University of Heidelberg in Germany.
“Our aim is to achieve major breakthroughs in the treatment of these cancers, with fast-acting therapies that are tailored to individual patients,” says Daniel Gautheret, bio-IT platform manager. “As well as building talented research teams, we continually invest in new technology that supports these goals.”
Gustave Roussy is one of nine partner organizations within Dell EMC’s Children’s Cancer Care program. This global initiative — part of the Dell EMC Sponsorships and Giving program — involves a multimillion-dollar commitment that covers both technology and volunteering by Dell EMC employees. Through it, Dell EMC has already provided technology to Gustave Roussy that powers classrooms so that children can continue with their education while receiving treatment.
Given our strong relationship with Dell EMC through its efforts to support innovation in paediatric cancer, it was natural for us to solve our server and storage issues by turning to Dell EMC,” says Gautheret.
The Genomic Data Analysis platform — the Dell EMC HPC System for Life Sciences — emerged as the solution best suited to the centre’s high compute needs. Specifically designed for genomic analysis, the platform allows Gustave Roussy to run eight times more analyses on genome deterioration a day. HPC
Learn more: Dell EMC Ready Solution for HPC Life Sciences
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