Formlabs Unveils Texture Engine for 3D Printing

This free, lightweight, web-based app is designed to quickly apply textures to 3D models.

This free, lightweight, web-based app is designed to quickly apply textures to 3D models.

Image courtesy of Formlabs.

Introducing the Formlabs Texture Engine, currently available in beta. This free, lightweight, web-based app is designed to quickly apply textures to 3D models, ready to be 3D printed. Many plastic parts incorporate surface textures and patterns to enhance the look and feel or to optimize the part for an intended application. Typically, this is done as a secondary process, but 3D printing enables ability to apply textures and patterns directly to files for printing. 

Traditionally, texturing is added directly to the surface of a machined mold via a photochemical etching or laser-etching process. 3D printing technologies can produce parts with enough detail to directly print textured parts, but even with the most advanced CAD tools, applying texture can be a difficult process. 

With the Formlabs Texture Engine, it’s possible to quickly apply surface textures and patterns to 3D models for fast iterations and the production of textured or patterned 3D printed parts.

To try this engine, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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