Dyndrite Supports HP MJF and Metal Jet 3D Printers
Offers serial production capabilities to industrial additive users.

Through Dyndrite for MJF users can perform fast 2D and 3D nesting operations, finely configuring densely packed interlocking elements. Image courtesy of Dendrite.
Latest News
June 17, 2024
Dyndrite, providers of a GPU-accelerated computation engine used to create next-generation digital manufacturing hardware and software, announced support for HP’s Multi-jet Fusion (MJF) and Metal Jet line of 3D printers. The 3D print preparation software will bring new serial production features to direct and contract manufacturers, including automated build preparation from multi-gigabyte mesh files, or native CAD, fully controllable 2D and 3D advanced labeling.
The company is currently accepting new beta users via its Early Adopter Program.
“From the outset Dyndrite’s goal has been to usher in a new era of serial production in AM,” said Stephen Anderson, strategic relations, Dyndrite. “Our direct support for HP Multi Jet Fusion and Metal Jet now avails the most production oriented users in AM with software capable of accelerating their production capabilities and throughput.”
Dyndrite for MJF, built upon Dyndrite’s accelerated computation engine (ACE) gives HP direct and contract manufacturers control over the MJF manufacturing process. It provides enterprise features that directly helps industrial users speed production, increase repeatability, and improve traceability, according to the companies.
Users can now work with large multi-gigabyte files, leverage native CAD files and their associated metadata to enable automation, finely tune advanced 2D and 3D nesting, part serialization and QR code labels and script automated build prep that eliminates human error, according to Dyndrite. Using Dyndrite users enjoy native machine connectivity, and full HP file plug in support. Additionally, Dyndrite’s native Python APIs enable data integration with a wide range of databases and 3rd party apps, including AMFG, to improve part ordering, job submission, and reporting.
“HP is excited that Dyndrite has announced support for HP’s 3D printing ecosystem for both polymers and metals,” says Arvind Rangarajan, global head Software and Data, Personalization and 3D Printing at HP. “HP 3D printing customers will now have the option of using Dyndrite to create and submit print jobs.“
Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.
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