CADviz 3D Visualization Tool Launches

CADviz introduces semantic rendering technology, enabling users to create visualizations with a single click, company says.

CADviz introduces semantic rendering technology, enabling users to create visualizations with a single click, company says.

With CADviz, users can drag and drop a screenshot of their model, and in seconds, receive a rendered image. Image courtesy of Depix Technologies.

CADviz from Depix Technologies is a new 3D visualization tool made for designers, engineers, and 3D modelers. Debuting at the International Design Conference in Austin, TX, CADviz introduces semantic rendering technology, enabling users to create visualizations with a single click.

With CADviz, users can drag and drop a screenshot of their model, and in seconds, receive a rendered image—no specialized knowledge necessary.

CADviz is available in two versions:

  • Free Version: Ideal for casual users and those new to 3D visualization, offering essential features for creating quality renders.
  • PRO Version: Designed for professionals, the PRO version delivers higher resolution and unlimited renders.

Early reviews have been overwhelmingly positive. In their recent review, **** stated, *“This makes designers cry!”*—highlighting the ease and effectiveness of CADviz in simplifying complex rendering tasks.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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