BETA CAE Systems Releases SPDRM v1.9.3

This version delivers a number of enhancements and fixes for users of this simulation process data and resources management software.

This version delivers a number of enhancements and fixes for users of this simulation process data and resources management software.

Image courtesy of BETA CAE Systems.

BETA CAE Systems has released SPDRM v1.9.3. This version delivers a number of enhancements and fixes for users of this simulation process data and resources management software.


Data Tree

It is now possible to add Reports under Subsystems, to hold the results of Subsystem verification runs.

Process Design / Execution

The messages printed in output window during the execution of an application are now captured in a text file in the Node Execution directory. The name of this file is stored under the variable _appLogFile in the post run script of Registered Application and Observer Nodes.

Process Observer / HPC submission

From now on, a job will appear in the Submitted Jobs list immediately after the assignment of the job id to the built-in variable _correlationId. From that moment and until the first job status update that will take place through process.updateObservableJobs, this job will appear with status “Dispatched”. Thus, the typical sequence of job status values becomes: Dispatched -> Pending -> Running -> Finished.

Script API

The new script function process.getObservableJobsOfDMObjects returns information on the observable jobs that are associated to the given list of run ids. This information includes the correlation id, the job status, the observer node id and all other job attributes available in the “Submitted HPC Jobs” window. The contents of a compound RLI (e.g. Loadcase_Template) can now be retrieved using the dm.getDMItemContents function.

Known Issues Resolved

Data Tree

Upon export of a compound Library item that contained adapted base modules (e.g. Loadcase_Template), the corresponding un-adapted base modules would not be exported.

Data Model

DM Object's property generation rules, that would retrieve values from properties of containing RLIs, would not be evaluated correctly.

Supported Platforms and System Requirements

From this version onward, the server application of SPDRM is available only for Linux 64bit. NOTE: Installation of SPDRM server application on MS Windows is not supported anymore.

The client application of SPDRM is running under 64bit flavors of Linux and MS Windows.

The software requires a different license key to the rest of the products of BETA CAE Systems. This license key should be incorporated into the same license file, if such is already installed, and requires beta_lm, the license manager of BETA CAE Systems.

For more details, click here.

Sources: Press materials received from the company and additional information gleaned from the company’s website.

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